“Truth over Feelings”

Those were just a few of the feelings that flooded me constantly in the new season I was entering into.

What was I to do?
How do I step into this role?
Could I really be a mother and a wife?
And did God really know what He was calling me to?

We all have days and seasons where we face questions similar to those above.
We really do.

It does not matter how perfect our little squares on social media look, we all have those days and seasons we don’t necessarily care to repeat.

Some days we get up and feel like we can conquer any and every thing that comes at us. We hear from God, we feel close, we feel heard, and we believe that God is ALL He says He is.

We also all have the days where it would be easier to stay in bed hidden under the cozy covers, then to face the overwhelming amount of hardness coming at us. It’s real brothers and sisters.

We try to pray, yet it feels like our prayers are just evaporating into space with no one to hear them, but ourselves, as we uttered them. We try to read the Bible but it feels dry as dust and we don’t feel encouraged.

My friend, you won’t always “feel” like doing the hard things, even though that usually is the right thing to do. But here’s where it gets really good though. Even if you don’t feel like it, do it anyway. In the dryness, perhaps God will speak, even if you don’t expect Him to.

It’s the constant being, that matters! Being a daughter, a son of the King. It’s a high calling. It won’t always “feel” like we think it should, but God, always, Always, ALWAYS.
Sees us.
Hears us.
Cares for us.
Loves us.

Those are absolutes.
Feelings are real but they are not the truth.
God’s word is Truth!

1 thought on ““Truth over Feelings”

  1. Oh what a blessed and beautiful WORD of encouragement! Thank you for sharing,Vinny!And God bless you daily as He ‘directs’ your path..😊🙏


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